



编辑人:粤海度假村 日期:2012年11月28日返回列表




1.      凡符合申办粤海村酒店个人VIP会员卡条件的宾客,可持粤海村酒店的有效消费凭证或预存款凭证和本人有效身份证件到粤海村酒店前台办理会员卡,并须按要求详实填写《广州市番禺莲花山粤海度假村酒店VIP会员卡申请表》进行申请,一张有效证件只能办理一张VIP会员卡。委托代理人代办VIP会员卡的,需同时出示申请人及代理人的有效身份证件

Applicant for the VIP membership card of Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel should present his/her valid consumption receipt or prepayment receipt and his/her valid identity documentation to Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel Front Office, by filling up theGuangzhou City Panyu Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel VIP Membership Card Application Form to complete the application. The applicant could assign a agent for the VIP membership card application, while his/her agent is required to present a valid identity document of the applicant and the agent as well.

2.      VIP会员卡预存款项仅用于粤海村酒店各指定营业点消费,预存金额一经储值进入会员卡中,不可兑现,不可退还,也不可转存至其他会员卡中。

The prepaid value loaded on the VIP Membership cards can only be consumed in the Hotel. The value cannot be redeemed for cash or refund or transferred to the other membership card.

3.      每张新开通的VIP会员卡都设有一个初始密码,系统默认为123456,为保障您的用卡及资金安全,我们建议您在收到会员卡后立即到酒店前台修改您的会员卡密码。

All new VIP membership card is designed with an initial password defaulted to 123456. For your financial security, we strongly recommend you to change the password at the Front Office before as soon as you receive it.

4.      VIP会员卡均只可用于粤海村酒店指定营业点进行消费。持卡人应于每次入住或消费结账前主动出示VIP会员卡以享受粤海村酒店相关的折扣优惠、积分及服务。办理入住登记手续后或消费结账后才出示VIP会员卡的,粤海村酒店不予任何折扣优惠,也不予计算消费积分。

The VIP membership card can only be used in the Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel. The Card Holder is required to present the VIP membership card before check in or payment to entitle the special offer and credits. There will not be any special offers or gift credits count-in under the reverse circumstances.

5.        VIP会员卡累计消费积分的有效期与VIP会员卡的有效期相同。消费积分必须在VIP会员卡的有效期内进行兑换,否则视为自动放弃,消费积分自动清零。

The validity of the VIP membership card for gifts credits shall be the same validity of VIP membership card. Credits must be redeemed within the validity period. All credits will be waived after the expiration date of the VIP Card.

6.        酒店提供每天24小时查询服务,如需查询会员卡积分,请致电020-84862788前台查询。

For inquiries of the membership card gift credits, the hotel offers 24 hours round-the-clock inquiry service. Please call +8620 8486 2788 extension at Front Office for inquiry.

7.        粤海村酒店个人VIP会员卡有效期为二年。

A Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel VIP membership card is valid for two years.

8.        请妥善保管粤海村酒店VIP会员卡,如不慎遗失,会员须尽快致电酒店前台对该卡作冻结处理,并持本人有效的身份证件到粤海村酒店前台办理挂失手续,不可委托他人代办VIP会员卡的挂失手续。粤海村酒店概不负责会员卡挂失被确认前的一切损失。

Please hold your Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel VIP membership card securely. If your VIP card is lost or stolen, you shall immediately contact the Front Office for freeze processing and present your valid identity document to the Front Office to report the lost. Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel are not liable to you for any loss or damage.

9.        VIP会员卡的折扣优惠不能与其他优惠同时享用。通过网络预订的折扣优惠不能与VIP会员卡的折扣优惠同时享用。

The VIP membership card discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. Online Booking discount cannot be used in conjunction with the VIP membership card discount.

10.    VIP会员卡为实名制,不得转让,也不可做挂账使用。

The VIP card holder will be the sole user of the card and cannot be credited or transferable.

11.    所有VIP会员不得提供虚假信息,否则粤海村酒店有权随时终止其会员资格,拒绝再次入会申请,同时保留向提供虚假信息的VIP会员追究其法律责任的权利与义务。

VIP card applicant shall not provide false informationotherwise Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel reserves the right at any time to terminate its membership qualification and shall request such Member compensate for any loss it may cause. The Hotel reserves the right of refusing his/her qualification to apply for another membership.

12.    粤海村酒店保证所有会员享受除折扣优惠外的同等服务质量及效率,并为会员提供最满意及最优质的会员服务。如有任何会员服务上的细节变更,酒店将通过电子邮件或官方网站、微博通告。如会员在享受会员服务中产生的任何意见或投诉,欢迎随时与酒店的值班经理联系。

Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel wish that all member can enjoy the same quality of service and efficiency in addition of the discounts. If any of the membership service details shall be changed, we would via you by e-mail or through the official website/hotel blogging as a circular way. Should you have any comments or complaints about the experience of membership service, please do not hesitate to contact our Duty Manager at anytime, we would guarantee you the most satisfaction and the highest quality membership services.

13.  请认真阅读以上条款及《酒店个人VIP会员细则》,如有任何条款或运营程序变更,恕不另行通知,有关条款的最终解释权归广州市番禺莲花山粤海度假村所有。

Please read carefully the above Terms and Conditions and VIP membership Rules. Lotus Hill Yuehai Hotel has the right to revise or vary the terms or operating procedures at any times without prior notice, and the Hotel reserves the right of the final explanation of the terms.